Thursday, October 9, 2008

Health in a Glass (file under we all needs our fruits and veg)

I’m missing C BIG TIME! Working in a kitchen is as I’m sure you have all gathered by now a non stop adventure in juggling, cooking, tasting and touching. It is also a struggle each day to find the time to make yourself some food and feed your body. More often than not lately I have not found the opportunity to eat at work. This is not healthy practice and in order for me to do what I want to do I DEFINITELY need to be healthy. As such I started thinking to myself, what can I do that takes next to no time and will give my body the fuel it needs.


It is exactly as it sounds. I take whatever fruit strikes my fancy from the fridge and throw it in the high speed mixer with some milk, ice and honey. It is now a daily ritual that right before the start of “busy” service” I will start making health in a glass. It takes about seven minutes from beginning to end to make and distribute and it really is an important part of my day now.

It is one of those small things that we do that makes a BIG difference in our day. It is also nice because right around service I will start hearing the question; “S, health in a glass?” “How about health in a glass?” A brief but beautiful moment that I’ve created for us during my day.

An old proverb says; “He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.” I have everything and more.

Are you dreaming big and inspired?

A la prochaine


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