Middle English, from Anglo-French joie, from Latin gaudia, plural of gaudium, from gaudēre to rejoice; probably akin to Greek gēthein to rejoice
Date: 13th century
1 a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: delight b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion: gaiety
2: a state of happiness or felicity: bliss
3: a source or cause of delight”
I am joyful today. Truly joyful. I went to support a great cause last night and in doing so got to hang out and catch up with old friends. The event was at Reservation and when I walked in I felt amazing. I was greeted with a warmth and generosity of spirit that is yet another positive factor in my decision to join a professional kitchen.
A good friend of mine if the Director of Community Development for Project Humanity. Please visit their website at It is an amazing not for profit group that does amazing work. Last nights event was called Shirts Off and is the second year in a row that I have made it. That being said if any of you have any old clothes in your closet or dressers that you would like to get rid of please contact Antonio Cayonne at I can promise you that he knows what to do with all the clothes that you no longer want.
Last night I witnessed the power of intention in full drive. When I got there I immediately started loading garbage bags of clothes into the truck. Last year it was a pretty good haul but this year I was really moved. There had to be about two or three hundred garbage bags of clothes. Next year I hope that we double that as the need is so great. So please, if you can, look through your closet and contact Project Humanity.
Another great benefit of being there last night was that I got to see my friend Ben Clost and his band the Emotionally Unavailable Mariners play. It is always such a delight for me to watch this band perform. They are truly engaging and make you feel in the depths of your soul the music they perform. It was a truly wonderful night and a truly magical experience.
These are but a few of the pictures of the band last night. Again, remember the name, Emotionally Unavailable Mariners, they are truly going places.
My next post is going to be about a conversation I had with Executive Chef.
A. Phillip Randolph once said; “A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.”
Are you dreaming big and inspired? WHY NOT? And what can I do to help you?
A la prochaine
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