Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Fat Duck (file under Worst Nightmare)

As many of you will recall I am a huge fan of molecular gastronomers the world over. I came to know of molecular gastronomy first through Heston Blumenthal which then inevitably led to both Ferran Adria and Grant Achatz.

Well, long story short, The Fat Duck which is widely considered the second best restaurant in the world (behind Adria’s El Bulli) has been forced to close because of some mysterious illness that has been affecting people that ate there between last week and the beginning of the year.

When I first heard about this story I was surprised. Surprised because in order to do what Chefs like Blumenthal and Adria do there has to be a precise attention to the highest quality of ingredients as well as rigorous testing. In Blumenthal’s case I know that he tests ingredients at every step of their preparation. As such I immediately thought that it had to be resultant from some other factor.

The jury is still out and there are many tests ongoing to figure out the mystery culprit. But I do hope, earnestly, that everything turns around soon and that the world is no longer deprived of Chef Blumenthal’s wonderful creations at The Fat Duck. Ironically I just found out that as of an hour ago The Fat Duck is set to reopen.

For more information check out;

Blumenthal is once quote as saying; “I have this desire to keep improving, so I find fault.”

I’m glad that the Fat Duck will once again be playing with its food. Congratulations Heston.

Are you dreaming big and inspired?

A la prochaine


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