I also spent some of the morning doing some menu planning and special design. I am doing that again today. Moreover, I got another question about a dinner party for two from my friend Canadian Foodie Girl which I will post at some point today. She emailed me on facebook but any of you can email me at askachefintraining@gmail.com
I also got to see my father yesterday. Something which has happened pretty infrequently over the past couple of years because of the amount of time that I work. Which as you all know is quite a bit. We started off amicably enough but then it degenerated, for some reason, I am yet to figure out, into a typical family struggle. We all have them. I’m sorry it happened because the more I get older the more I realize that there is no need for the struggle. Measured dialogue and thoughtful responses can always overcome any issue.
But like everything else in my life I have come to realize that I can fixate on the issue or treat it as an isolated incident. I’d rather focus on the positive in life. Especially that I have started to act as a more responsible and mature adult. Aghast, I never wanted to be an adult, always more of the Peter Pan type if you know what I mean. I is what I is as the old expression goes.
Also, the other day, I took some pictures on the way to work so that you all could experience the same beautiful vista that I get on the way to work and back. I hope to take pictures of the kitchen tomorrow when I’m back at work. That reminded me to send Executive Chef an email to ask him which I just did.
So without further ado, my morning and afternoon vistas, for your enjoyment. I absolutely love going to work so early in the morning. The city is not yet alive in the way it will be in two short hours. I use to think that I was a night owl, but now I am wondering, is it possible to be an all day everyday person?
I will be writing a few more posts today. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, with regard to the Vietnam War (and Mos Def then did a song about it); “We must move past indecision to action. Now let us begin. Now let us rededicate ourselves to the long and bitter, but beautiful struggle for a new world. This is the calling of the sons of God, and our brothers wait eagerly for our response.”
Are you dreaming big and inspired?
A la prochaine
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